Monday, June 4, 2012

I know it has been over a year (at least) since I posted anything- so bear with me! Hopefully over the next few months I will update you on my family and all the fun that is involved with that :)! I am sorry about the randomness of this post and I will follow up with more pictures. I could only fit so many on! :)

2011 Kid's Picture

Joe's First Catch

Random Christmas Pic

The Threesome
(Don't mind Jake wearing his coat, our house is normally about 50 degrees in the morning:)



She likes it!!!!

He does too! We laughed so hard at how big those look in the pic!

I love that face!

What can I say? My bad side exists!

Joe Street Preaching down at Marquette University

Jen, Christi, and Kris back together for a bit (at Culver's, like usual :)

Saying goodbye to the Hollandsworth's
L-R: Abby Spurgeon, Anna H., Beth H. Beth A., Leah Krawiec, Sarah H.

The Taylor Fellowship. Ps. I'm like a HUGE Taylor Fan! :)
(1st Semester)

My Chey-girl and Me

My awesome Zeteo volleyball team:
L-R: Greta Ibarra, Anna H., me, Beth H., Sarah H., Beth A.

A tearful goodbye


  1. welcome back, kristen!
    <3, Erika

  2. Hey Girl,
    Love the pics...makes miss you like uber much :) Love all the pics....Go TAYLOR!!! BTW don't apologize for your blog being random....after all that is normal for you...if it wasn't random I would most definitely think you had decided to become normal LOL just kidding... ;) anyway....
    Love ya,
    PS xoxoopo ;p

  3. Dear Beloved Sister in Christ Our Only Master, Greetings to you in His Mighty Name.

    I am Pastor From India. When I Am Searching For Some Biblical Material, I found Your Site.

    I Read About you.

    I and We Pray To God That HE may Bless You and Use You in His Service Mightily in The Coming Days.

    Dear Sister, If it is His Will and if it is Pleases To You, Please Pray for me and for Our Ministries for The Salvation of The Perishing Millions.

    In HIM

    Your Brother in Christ

    1. Of course, I will be praying for your ministry!

  4. hey kris!
    miss u a ton!
    glad u were able to update!!!!!!!
    luv u!
