Monday, June 4, 2012

I know it has been over a year (at least) since I posted anything- so bear with me! Hopefully over the next few months I will update you on my family and all the fun that is involved with that :)! I am sorry about the randomness of this post and I will follow up with more pictures. I could only fit so many on! :)

2011 Kid's Picture

Joe's First Catch

Random Christmas Pic

The Threesome
(Don't mind Jake wearing his coat, our house is normally about 50 degrees in the morning:)



She likes it!!!!

He does too! We laughed so hard at how big those look in the pic!

I love that face!

What can I say? My bad side exists!

Joe Street Preaching down at Marquette University

Jen, Christi, and Kris back together for a bit (at Culver's, like usual :)

Saying goodbye to the Hollandsworth's
L-R: Abby Spurgeon, Anna H., Beth H. Beth A., Leah Krawiec, Sarah H.

The Taylor Fellowship. Ps. I'm like a HUGE Taylor Fan! :)
(1st Semester)

My Chey-girl and Me

My awesome Zeteo volleyball team:
L-R: Greta Ibarra, Anna H., me, Beth H., Sarah H., Beth A.

A tearful goodbye